Week Dates - Get the first and last dates in a week

This action gets a year and a week number in the year and returns the first and last dates in the specified week.

Weeks are numbered according to the ISO-8601 definitions (as presented by Tondering): First day of the week is Monday, and a week belongs to the year in which most of its days lie. E.g. since 2004 started on Wednesday, the 1st week of 2004 started on 29-Dec-2003 and ended on 4-Jan-2004 (3 days in 2003, 4 days in 2004).


<Year> (non-repetitive numeric trigger [required]): A year (e.g. 2004).

<Week Number> (non-repetitive numeric trigger [required]): The week in the year (usually 1 through 52 or 1 through 53, depending on the year, but "lenient" values are also acceptable, so 0, for example, refers to "the week before the first week of the year").

<First Day> (non-repetitive trigger [not required]): "Sunday" to specify that the first day of the week is Sunday (if the trigger is missing, the default Monday is used).

Exits [none required]

<First Date> (non-repetitive date exit [not required]): The date of the first day in the specified week.

<Last Date> (non-repetitive date exit [not required]): The date of the last day in the specified week.

<<Year>> (non-repetitive numeric exit [not required]): The year to which the week belongs (might be different from <Year> if a "lenient" value has been specified).

<<Week Number>> (non-repetitive numeric exit [not required]): The week in the year (1 through 52 or 1 through 53, depending on the year; might be different from <Week Number> if a "lenient" value has been specified).

Usage Examples

Test1 (need to complete)